Lime Curd

photoSpring is finally here and I am so glad;-) I am certainly enjoying this weather. It has been so nice to be able to do my jogging outside, and not inside this boring gym.

Well this weather has also given me envy of citrus. You saw the recipes I posted last week. Well this weekend I got busy and made a few treats. Lime curd, Limoncello and Meringue Tartlets and Lemon Squares. Today I will post the recipe of the lime curd.

I had never made lemon curd until today because I was never a fan.

My mom on the other hand, was and would eat it every morning on her tartines along with her tea, and sometimes sardines… Yes my mom had some surprising tastes.

she would make me try but i enjoyed confitures ( jelly) much more. It was so as tangy.

Once would have thought that I would change my mind as I traveled through England and was offered the best of the best. But no…No matter the brand I never really liked lemon or lime curd.

I despised it so that i never ate it again until tow years ago. My sister had started to make some confiture and wanted me to try all that she was making so I could be the judge. I will tell you that I was relunctant to try that lemon curd, but hers was so yummy that it gave me envy to make my own one day. Well every year I plan to make some and every year time passes and I forget to make some. This week-end since I did not have a lot to do, and I had many many  lime on hands,  I decided to make not a lemon curd, but a lime one.

It is much more tart than a lemon curd, but I kind of like it better. Not as sweet.


Ingredients for 2 cups:

  • 6 egg yolks
  • the zest of  2 limes
  • juice of 4 limes, or about 1/2 cup of lime juice
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 stick of butter
  1. In a large bowl, mix the egg yolks and the sugar together until the mixture is thickening and is becoming whitish.
  2. Add the lime zest and the lime juice and mix well.
  3. Place this mixture over boiling water and keep stirring until the mixture is becoming really thick photo( it should look like a mayonnaise). It will take between 5-8 minutes to get to this .
  4. Remove the bowl from the boiling water and add the butter. Mix well.
  5. Place the lime curd into the fridge. Et voila.


You can eat it with your tartines ( toasts), in the morning, mix it in your yogurt or use it to make some lime tarts. Easy and Yummy!!!

Bon Appetit and Happy Coooking!!!

4 thoughts on “Lime Curd

  1. Hi there I’d like to make a dairy free version of this as my sister cant have dairy or wheat. How do you think it would work out using coconut cream instead of butter? Any advice in what to do / not to do?


  2. I’ve just finished off my dairy free version using coconut cream , which was disappointedly on the runny side more like coconut milk, so used a teaspoon of arrowroot to help set/thicken the curd. It is looking good so far and tastes great. I plan to use it as a macaron filling – fingers crossed it all works out.


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